Learning From Lawren Harris
Winter Mounatins, 2021
Oil on canvas
A really big study of a painting by a really big artist. The painting upon which this study is based, is one of the
many beautiful paintings created by Canada's Lawren Harris. Harris is one the greatest, in my opinion, and any time spent learning from his work,
is time well spent.
>> Check out the Etsy Shop!
From the floral motif on an old China plate.
An Unnamed Flower, 2021
Oil on canvas
Spring is always "just around the corner".
Bunnies, 2021
Pencil/graphite on hot-press paper
Vanilla Bunny, Turtleneck Bunny, 5 o'clock Bunny, Bandana Bunny, Pretty Bunny, Fluffy Bunny, Toxic Bunny and Big Bunny. >> Order a high quality reproduction on etsy!
Shih-Tzu Paw, 2021
Pencil/graphite on hot-press paper
High-five from Man's Best Friend. >> Order a reproduction on etsy!
I see you...
Awakened Heart, 2020
Oil on canvas
A great big meaty heart looking straight into your soul.
Santa In The Age Of COVID
Santa In The Age Of COVID, 2020
Oil on canvas
What a year! Well, even the Jolly Elf know's it's best to wear a mask! Have a safe and happy Holiday Season. :)
You know you want to...
Unbranded Dough Boy, 2020
Oil on canvas
Poke That Belly!
Cardinal, 2020
Oil on canvas
Chillin' on his branch.
When I was a boy...
Old Tyme Grandpa Bunny, 2020
Oil on canvas
Doing his “Olde Tyme Grandpa Bunny” thing.
A Lone Banana.
Banana #2, 2020
Oil on canvas
A study in oils.
A Simple Study.
Honeycrisp Apple, 2020
Oil on canvas
A Honeycrisp Apple. As simple as that. Watch the process below:
Ceci n'est pas une poop., 2020
Oil on canvas
Translation: “This is not a poop”. Bathroom humor, surely. Or is it? If it's not poop, then what is it? A hommage to the french surrealist RenĂ© Magritte, and his masterpiece The Treachery of Images.
Memories of Childhood #1, 2020
Oil on canvas
Television held a firm grip on my education as a child, and this particular character played a very unique role: presenting Christian morality and virtue. Davie stands out as unique because, unlike his peers Mickey, Kermit, Big Bird, Gumby (same creator btw) and the countless other religiously ambiguous characters, Davie was an ambassador from the world of Christianity. Davie was a claymation Christian boy... or is it "Christian Claymation Boy"? Anyway.
Together with his sidekick dog, Goliath, Davie dealt with all of childhood's problems from the perspective of a child who was being raised as a Christian. As such, his entire family was featured in the show, with his parents presented not only as guardians and caregivers, but also as teachers: teaching Christian morality to Davie to help him deal with life's complexities.
White-Lipped Tree Frog
Litoria infrafrenata, 2020
Oil on canvas
The Australian white-lipped tree frog: Litoria infrafrenata.
White-Lipped Tree Frog
Litoria infrafrenata, 2020
Oil on canvas
The Australian white-lipped tree frog: Litoria infrafrenata.